Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rinsing the Poop Out

Babies and small children excrete many viruses in their feces including Hepatitis A, rota virus, shigella, salmonellosis, amebiasis, live polio virus (from vaccines), and typhoid among others. In order to keep these viruses from contaminating underground water supplies, poop should not be dumped into a diaper pail and thrown out with the trash. Fecal mater is supposed to be emptied into the toilet, so it can be properly processed at waste water facilities. The problem is, most people that use disposable diapers don't know this, or refuse to do it! To that i say WTF!?!?! If you want to use disposables, use them correctly.

Straight from the Pampers website:
"As the Pampers bag recommends, you'll want to dump bowel movements in the toilet. Then just roll the diaper into its back sheet, using the tape or fasteners to keep it closed, and dispose of it in the trash."

Some rebuttals to this are "I chose disposable so i didn't have to deal with poop", or my favorite "That is disgusting, I'm not touching poop!" First of all, no one is asking you to lick the feces off of the diaper, use toilet paper. Second, you chose to have a baby, and they poop.

I don't push cloth diapering on anyone, and I'm happy that i haven't had anyone judge me for choosing cloth. I do however push proper use, and respect for our planet. Would it be OK for hospitals to improperly dispose of their waste? 

Happy poop dumping!

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