Monday, August 30, 2010

If Breastfeeding Offends You, Put A Blanket Over YOUR Head!

I had to share a link to this blog post today at Becoming Sarah. It makes my blood boil when women are made to feel uncomfortable, or worse, made to leave a store or restaurant for breastfeeding. Even in Ontario, where our right to breastfeed is protected by law, this still happens. It is one of those things that makes me sick. Thankfully this has never happened to me, or someone would be getting a punch in the nose (I know i know, violence is never the answer) I think the idea of a nurse-in is fabulous. Peaceful protest is the way to go. Lets see the a*#holes at these places try and make a dozen breastfeeding mothers leave.

If you are opposed to breastfeeding in public, let me ask you, would it be OK for me to ask YOU to go and eat in the bathroom, or cover your self up with a blanket, if i thought what you were eating was gross?

I'd love you hear comments on this subject. If you are opposed, comment still. Maybe there is a valid reason to be opposed...i can't think of one myself.


Sara said...

There was an issue at a Vancouver H&M for an employee asking a breastfeeding mama to leave. I think times have changed and we have the right to feed where we choose, however, woman should be tasteful about it and cover, that way baby is fed and others around are not uncomfortable staring at a bare breast. I have had scowls mainly by older individuals but no verbal confrontations (thank goodness because like you, I would not be so nice in response:)

Unknown said...

Although laws are FINALLY starting to favor breastfeeding moms, there are still so many people who protest breastfeeding in public... and make it very obvious that they don't approve. It's ignorance, in my opinion.
People have forgotten the very PURPOSE of the breast. Honestly.
That being said, it is possible to be modest (if possible) with all the different nursing bras and products on the market today. But the more "modest" we are forced to be, the less people will open up to the whole idea.

Home4TheHendersons said...

I personally do agree with modesty. Not for myself so much, but for others. I don't want to make other people uncomfortable, but if i'm covered up, they really shouldn't have a problem with it.

However, at this stage, it is easier for me to take Jackson into another room, he HATES being covered up.

Sally said...

I just find it beyong belief that women should be made to feel uncomfortable when breastfeeding.Ok you should pay attention to modesty but for heavens sake the breast was designed for feeding babies so it cannot be offensive if a little bit shows!


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