Monday, August 9, 2010

6 Months Already, and I'm Not Ready

This little ham is 6 months old. He's not so little anymore. Looking at him now, i already can't remember how small he was, until i look back at pictures. He's turning into a big man so fast, and I'm not ready. I was calling daycares and babysitters today, to plan for January. Really. Already. Oh I'm not ready. I want him to grow, learn, explore, and become what he is made to be, but i don't. When he's in my arms, he leans away, because a toy is more interesting. When i give him a thousand kisses on the neck...i only get a smile sometimes, the other times, i get a chubby little hand pushing mama away. I'm so not ready. He's crawling faster everyday, standing at the ottoman, reaching for the couch, just itching to "cruise". Babbling, screeching, yelling and throwing. He's turning into a little boy. Boy oh boy, i'm not ready. I really get it now, appreciate the baby days, they're gone so fast. Everyday i try to get in extra long hugs, cuddles, and snuggly time nursing. Slow down, my sweet little man. I'm ready for you to stay my tiny newborn baby a while longer (give or take a few years). 

*Disclaimer- Taking pictures of a sleeping baby is risky business!*

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