Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to: Strip Cloth Diapers

If you're a cloth diapering momma, or are thinking about becoming one, knowing how to strip diapers is an important part. You need to strip your diapers if you have build up that causes your diapers to work less efficiently.

What causes build up?
 -Not rinsing your diapers well enough, causing soap build up
-The type of detergent you use , it may have added perfumes or dyes that don't rinse out
-Using too much or too little detergent, in general you use much less than you would to wash clothing
-Using fabric softener (never use fabric softener!)
-Using diapers made of synthetic fibres. Natural fibres are less likely to develop residue problems.
-Not using enough water to rinse your diapers. When i wash, i set the washing machine to the largest load size. If you have an HE machine, you can try adding a wet towel to the load to trick the machine to adding more water.

How do you know if your diapers need to be stripped?
-repelling liquid

How do you fix it?

-Try doing several hot water washes. If your diapers are rinsed properly, there should be no suds in the final rinse cycle.

-Add a squirt of blue dawn dish soap, do a hot wash and several rinses until there are no more bubbles. Dawn is a degreaser, so it can help remove oily residue.

-Add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash cycle to neutralize the odours.

-Try RLR. It removes mineral deposits and detergent build up in fabrics.

I've only had to strip my diapers once in 4.5 months of use. I hope these tips make it easier for you if you ever need to do it.

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