Friday, August 6, 2010

The 6 Month Doctors Appointment...Eeeek!

Jackson had his 6 month doctors appointment yesterday. I don't really dread them. I know he is going to get a needle, and he's not going to like it, but there's no use getting worked up about it before it happens.

I'm really impressed with the staff at my doctors office, they spend so much time with us at each appointment. This appointment ended up being almost an hour. I know many doctors will just measure and weigh the baby, give him a quick once over, needles, ask if you have any questions, and send you on your way.

Our nurse went over every aspect of development, child safety, childproofing, nutrition, play, bonding and a myriad of other subjects. I did already know almost everything she discussed, but it is really nice to see some doctors/nurses really taking the time to make sure parents know these things. Then he had the standard length measurement, head circumference and weight measurement, done by the nurse (who co-incidentally went to the same high school as my husband and i even though our doctors office is in another city) The doctor then came in, and went over nutrition, growth and development, gave Jackson a thorough inspection, and discussed the vaccine he would be given. (Check this out for more information on vaccines)

Then came needle time. I think he knew it was coming. The needles were done by two nurses at the same time, in order to upset Jax as little as possible, i don't know if it helped. He was awfully upset for a few minutes, nothing a quick nursing didn't fix. I'm really not looking forward to the 1 year needles. I feel as he gets older he will not only understand what is happening more, but he'll be upset longer, and he'll remember it longer. Not to mention that I hope to wean him from breastfeeding by 1 year (starting slowly around 11 months i think?) so comforting him in that way will be gone.

I can't believe it. It seems like he was just born, and I'm already thinking about 1 year needles, weaning, and daycare. (Ugh. That is a post for another day.)

Have a fantastic weekend. I'll be chasing my crawling monkey!

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