Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeding Oneself

These days the Jax man is improving his dexterity by leaps and bounds. He can grab anything that's not too squishy, but just squishy enough that he can gum it. I don't know that there is any set age that you should let a baby feed them self, i know some babies Jacksons age show no interest in food. So far he can pick up and eat, Nutrios (i prefer them over Cheerios, because they have no added sugar or salt), chopped up tomato, squished blueberries, cooked and chopped sweet potato, cooked and chopped green beans, bits of cooked meat, bits of french toast and pancakes (not on a regular basis), cooked egg yolk, and of course baby Mum Mums. These are all the foods we've let him feed himself so far. Of course you have to be very careful, and pay close attention while they are feeding them selves. We only give him a few pieces of food on his high chair tray at a time, because he is inclined to grab fistfuls and shove them in his mouth. If he's too hungry, he has no interest in anything but mommy or daddy feeding him, so the food gets in his belly at an expedient rate. What can i say, my little man likes to eat! In the pics, he was trying to eat bananas, they are way to squishy, and he pulverizes them in his iron fist!

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