Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Poop. Yep. I Said Poop.

You'll never talk about anything as much as poop once you have a baby. Seriously, when did this happen? 

When you're at the hospital, they want to make sure the baby poops before you can leave. When you get home you have to track the baby's "movements" to make sure they are having the number per day that they're supposed to. You also have to track the colour and consistency! 
My once sweet little boy, plotting against me.  I can see it in his eyes. 
"I'm gunna poop on you...sooooo much mummy, Muwahahah!"

Then all of a sudden your sweet little baby decides to go a few days without pooping and then you're actually worried about when they'll poop next. Should i call the doctor? Is it okay that he hasn't gone in a few days? (Which apparently it is) Until WHAMO! You're at grandma's house and he has the biggest poopsplosion in the history of the world. Or so i thought until today. 
Yep, my son has decided to store up all his poop for days on end, until juuuust the right moment. Say, when he's in his sling. Thinking to myself  "Was that a toot? Oh no, it's poop, oh crap, GET HIM OUT OF THE SLING!" as i get him out as quickly as possible, run up to the change table, only to discover that it has soaked through everything he's wearing. 25 wipes later, i decided to give him a bath. Now i sit here, anticipating the next poopsplosion. Maybe i'll just put him in 3 diapers and a plastic bag at all times. That seems like the only logical solution. 

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