Friday, April 9, 2010

Our Children, Our Teachers

We can learn so much from our children everyday. 

When they're born they are so innocent. 

They don't judge people based on how they look, or how much money they make. 

A baby loves you based on how you act, in the moment. They don't hold grudges, they forgive and forget. Children are not envious, or spiteful. These are all things we teach them. 

We can choose to teach them to be better than we are. More caring, forgiving, loving, generous, and hard working. We can teach them to live everyday to the fullest, instead of worrying about what is to come. We should teach them that money is just a thing that comes and goes, and that the relationships they build with other people are far more important. We can try and instil in them more understanding of others beliefs and traditions. Instead of judgment and mockery. We can try and teach our children to be the way we wish we could. We can change the world through our children.

I know he has already changed my world.

1 comment:

JDev said...

insightful and absolutely true


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