Thursday, April 29, 2010

Babies and Toys

Jackson is almost three months old, and is just starting to take an interest in toys. Some of the most useful toys for a baby 0-3 months (in our experience):

A play mat/gym

Any kind. We have one by Infantino, i like it because it zips closed so we can easily put it away. It has a few toys that hang from it, and extra spots so you can hang some of your child's own favourite toys. This is one thing that we've used since he was about a month old. At that time he just laid there and stared at the toys hanging above his head. Eventually he started batting at them and staring at himself in the mirror, and now he is batting at them, and reaching up and grabbing them. It is also good for tummy time. Especially if you have a baby that doesn't flip out the second you put him on his tummy.

Rings (any kind)

These are great for hanging toys from anywhere. Hanging them from the car seat, stroller etc. They're also great because he can grab them by accident, which eventually has lead to him trying to grab them. We sit him in his high chair, he sees them and eventually mashes his hand into them, and one will somehow end up in his grasp. His looks amazed..."Mom, mom look, i grabbed this thing!"

Playgro Twirly Whirly Car Seat Toy

We've also used this one from the beginning. It wraps around the car seat handle, the only downside it that our car seat has a zig zagged handle, which makes it kind of hard to wrap this around, but we still use it. It gives Jax something to stare at while he's in his seat (not while we're driving as obviously the handle should be down when you are driving) Mostly at the grocery store, or if he's just chillin' in his seat somewhere. This was given to us by a family member, and their child(ren) used it, so it's obviously durable.

Fisher Price Newborn to Toddler Rocker

This isn't exactly a toy, but it has toys on it. This chair gives me somewhere to put him when i need to do things hands free. It has toys that hang, so it occupies him and i can hang extra toys from it. Obviously it vibrates, and i turn it on if he's sleeping in it, i think it helps him sleep longer. I chose this over a regular bouncy chair, because it has a wider weight range, so he can use it much longer. (I don't have a picture of the whole chair)

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