Friday, April 16, 2010

Moby Wrap

I finally received my Moby Wrap in the mail. (It only took Canada post 23 days, and according to their wonderful tracking system it is still in Mississauga?!?! We'll save my gripes about their terrible customer service for another post.)

After one day of use, i LOVE it. When i first opened it up i thought it was a bit confusing to use...alas that is what instruction manuals are for (who knew?) It is 6 meters of fabric, yep 6. It sounds crazy, but once you have it on you'll see why. It has to be adjustable for several different carries, as well as different sizes of children and the people carrying them. On my first day of use i carried my son in it for a total of 3 hours. I carried him around Costco for an hour, Winers for a half hour, and at home for an hour and a half. He Watched the world go by in it, he ate in it (amazing!) and he slept in it. I can't give enough praise to this wrap. It is far more comfortable than the Snugli. The baby's weight is more evenly distributed, and you don't have buckles and such digging into you! Being able to feed a baby when they are hungry,  and not having to find somewhere to sit is the best. Now, my son is 10 weeks old and 12 lbs, so he's not that heavy to carry, but i briefly tried it with a 7 month old, 20lb baby and it was still comfy. Another great thing about this wrap is that the baby can be directly against your chest, which can be incredibly soothing for a fussy baby. He can sleep while mommy can get things done around the house.

Here's Jackson in the traditional "hug" hold.

Me using the computer while he snoozes away.

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