Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Letter to My Self

Recently, Melissa at Dear Baby posed a question: What would you tell yourself in those last weeks before you became a parent? Here is my letter to myself.

Dear Myself,

He really won't be in there forever. I know it feels like it right now, but he won't! You will have to wait a little longer to meet your baby boy, but it is SO worth the wait.

Labour will be hard, but you'll make it through. It's supposed to be hard, i think because the gift is so grand.The first moment you hold that new life in your arms.....there are no words for the emotions you will feel. Honest to goodness, love at first sight. The greatest joy you can imagine, the immediate knowledge that you would do anything for him, your body filled with pride, for the perfect little person that was created in love.

Everything will come naturally. You'll know how to change his diaper, burp him, and calm him when he's fussy. You will be able to nurse him, and that will come naturally too. It will be the most incredible bond you've ever had to another human being. Not only giving him life, but nurturing and sustaining him, with nothing but yourself. 

You will learn to relax, let go, and not sweat the small stuff. Your house won't become a dump just because you had a baby, but you won't worry about extreme cleanliness. Once Jackson can crawl, he WILL put the cats tail in his mouth, so really, who cares if you mopped today?

You'll still have time to spend alone with Marcus. Movie nights are not gone. Babies do sleep. 

Every one says that they grow too fast, cherish these moments. It's true. In the blink of an eye, he'll seem more like a little boy, than a baby. Cuddle him like there's no tomorrow.

You'll be a wonderful momma, and Marcus will be an awesome daddy. If only you could see yourself now. You'd be proud of the mother you've become.




Naomi said...

This is a beautiful letter and so very true from all that I have witnessed.

Anonymous said...


LuckyBlackRose said...

I absolutely love this idea... do you mind if I "borrow"? :)

Home4TheHendersons said...

LuckyBlackRose- Nope not at all! I'd love to read yours too.

Anonymous said...

You will always cherish these moments, no matter how big he gets. Each stage of his growth and nurturing is a new journey. I am so happy to be a part of it with my fantastic grandson. You are both great parents and Jackson is a very lucky boy to have so much love surrounding him.

Love Gramma Cheryl


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