Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Little Mover

Jackson is allllways on the go lately. He's still army crawling up a storm, but he's always on his hands and knees.  I hope he gets the hands and knees crawling down soon, you can tell he's irritated that it takes so long to get everywhere, dragging around on his tummy (and he has rug burn on his poor elbow). He figured out a week ago, how to get from tummy to sitting. This week he's just figured out how to pull up, but only on short things, as he's a short guy. Today he wanted so badly to climb up on the couch and ottoman. He was standing at the ottoman, reaching, grabbing, getting his knee up in the air, but alas, he is far too short.I feel bad for my little man, so determined, and wanting to do so many things, that his little body just isn't big enough for yet.

He's also got a HUGE appetite lately. He's always been such a good eater, but the more he's started to move, the hungrier he gets. He now nurses 6 times a day, eats three meals, and has two snacks. He usually snacks on Nutrios and Mum Mums. I have no idea where he puts so much food. For now I'll let him eat as much as he wants, i know eventually he'll be so active and interested in playing that he'll lose interest in foods. Not to mention that his weight gain has slowed down a lot. I expected that to happen, the nurse at Well Baby told me hat they tend to gain less weight when the start moving.

Foods he's eating right now and LOVES:
-Carrot and broccoli mash (i add a little rice milk for consistency, and sometimes add avocado for texture)
-Cottage cheese
-Sweet Potato
-Apples and oatmeal
-Brown rice
-Tofu with anything
-Any fruit really (but we try to give him more veg.)
-Scrambled egg yolk
-Chicken and pork (but he really doesn't eat much meat, which is fine because he gets protein from other sources)
-Plain yogurt
-Parsnips (only when i saute with olive oil and garlic, he didn't like them plain)

Foods he HATES:
-Carrots and broccoli if they're not mashed together (strange)
-Salsa (even extra mild)

I've started to add more flavour to his foods. Sauteing some things with a little olive oil, garlic, cumin, curry powder etc. I use very little seasoning, i think any seasoning is probably very noticeable to a baby.

What does you little one love to eat? Any tips for sneaking healthy food in? The carrot and broccoli mash works good, he doesn't seem to notice the broccoli.

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