Monday, April 4, 2011

14 Months

You are 14 months old Jackson Graeme. More boy and less baby with each passing day.

Words: dada, dog, yes, no, hot. You don't say a lot of words, but you sure love to talk. Always babbling and making noise. I'd love to know what you are trying to say! 

Teeth: 12 and counting. These molars sure are bugging you buddy!

Height and weight: About the same as 12 months, 24 lbs, and about 29.5-30 inches. We can't get you still long enough to measure!

Food: You have become quite the picky little boy. You always like; bananas, apples, peaches, pears, oranges, yogurt, avocado on toast, peanut butter on toast, crackers, omelettes, cheese, oatmeal, sweet potatoes. Sometimes; broccoli, ice cream. Hate; meat. 

Things you are doing: You love to make a mess, toys everywhere! You adore cars, and spend most of the day zooming them around. You LOVE your Fisher Price activity chair, and play with it constantly. You also really enjoy reading books, with or without momma. I love watching you flip the pages and babble! You can hold a crayon, but are uninterested in colouring. You are also getting quite the throwing arm, and can throw a ball overhand very well (do i sense baseball in your future?) You really enjoy climbing, and exploring. You spend many hours going up and down the stairs, and getting on and off the couch. The outdoors is your new adventure. Now that you are walking, you love to meander around, checking out and inspecting everything. Your new game, is hide and seek, with Winston. You hide behind momma, and then peer around my legs, and giggle when you meet eyes with Winston. I'm not sure that the dog realizes he's playing hide and seek. You still sleep like a champ, but seem to hate napping in a playpen (at gramma's and the babysitter)

You are changing more and more each day my sweet little man. I'm so happy i am actually remembering to keep track of all these little things.

"You're my stars, my moon, my sun.
Mama loves you little one."

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