Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a working mommy.

6:30 Alarm goes off
6:45 Actually get up
6:45-7:45 Get dressed, get ready,pack my lunch, pack Jacksons lunch and diaper bag, feed the dog, feed the cat, let the dog outside, make the bed, eat breakfast
7:50-8:00 Drop Jackson off at Babysitting
8:00-9:00 Drive to work
9:00-3:00 Work (cleaning houses)
3:00-4:00 Drive home
4:00 Pick up Jackson
4:30-7:30 Go to bank, go to grocery store, get home, grab the mail, unpack Jacksons diaper bag and lunch, let the dog in and out 1,000 times, wash our lunch dishes, put a load of diapers in the wash, vacuum, play, read books, start dinner, prepare lunches for the next day, hang diapers on the line (inside), eat dinner, clean up the food that is thrown within 5 feet of Jacksons high chair and in his hair and ears, wash dishes from dinner, wrangle Jackson into the bath tub, dry J-man off and get him jammied up for bed.
7:30-11:00 Swiffer the kitchen, fold and put away laundry that was hanging on the line last night, catch up on blogs i read, respond to e-mails, write a blog post if i'm lucky, shower, watch my fav show with a hot chocolate, zonk out around 11:30.

I have to all that again tomorrow?


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Sara said...

You are an amazing mom. That's a lot to do and you love him so much (it's so obvious in your blogs:)

Home4TheHendersons said...

Thanks Sara!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I know how you feel sista!!! My husband and I look at each other daily and say, "There just aren't enough hours in the day!!". Beautiful family you have, you are pulling it all off wonderfully!!


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