Thursday, July 15, 2010

Will it REALLY Matter?

New parents, we stress about everything. I've posted about this before. New moms, have to learn to take the opinions of others with a grain of salt. I'll bet in ten years we'll see no difference between the child that was breastfed for 10 months vs. 16, or the baby that learned to crawl at 7 months vs. 8. We just gotta do our best, do what feels right for our family. Try not to stress if we don't have time to make baby food one day, because most likely the baby won't grow a third arm because he ate store bought food here and there.  If I'm feeling stressed about not having time to do something i force myself to ask the question, "will it really matter in ten years?"

- I didn't play classical music to my baby while he was in my belly, i doubt it will affect his intellect in ten years.

- I make my own baby food 99% of the time, it won't matter in ten years that it wasn't 100% of the time.

-I use cloth diapers, but i keep a pack of disposables on hand just in case. (Days like today when i waited until all his diapers were dirty to wash them) Will it really matter in ten years that i used sposies occasionally?

-I don't sanitize his toys that often. Some germs are good right? Will it really matter in ten?

-The dog kisses him once in a while, i don't freak out, because, it doesn't realllly matter.

In hindsight the best advice i could give someone who is expecting, don't stress, don't stress, don't stress. If the nursery isn't done, if you don't have everything you think you'll need, don't stress. If you want to have a natural childbirth but can't, don't stress. If you want to give your baby a 100% natural, organic sunshine and rainbows upbringing but can't, don't stress. It goes by so quickly, just enjoy being pregnant, and enjoy your baby when he/she comes. What really matters is that they are loved, fed, loved, diaper changed, fed, loved, fed, and maybe a nap here and there (for mommy and baby)


Sara said...

I couldn't agree with you more!!! We have so many ideas & opinions before the baby is here and a lot changes once the little ones actually arrive. Stress doesn't change a thing... just makes everyone more tired.

Liz Harrell said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! Your link will be up today.


PS... if it's any consolation, I let Mabel lick my face all the time. :)


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