Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Dream Home

When you picture your dream home what do you see? At some point in our life we all think about this. Right now I live in my dream home. It's my dream because this is where my family is. I spent my first years of marriage here, and for a while at least, i will raise my babies here. It's not fancy, it's not big, but it's filled with love.

All i see lately are McMansion's going up every where. I've had some people impress upon me the last few years, the importance of buying a bigger house before we have kids. Apparently having an eat in kitchen, and no dining room is frowned upon. Where will i host my dinner parties? Only having one living room for the kids and adults to share is ridiculous. Don't i know we are supposed to have one area for "entertaining" and another area for the kids to play and watch t.v.? If we don't, we might have to watch television WITH our kids. Can you imagine? Monitoring their t.v., video game, and computer usage? That's just too much work. (dripping with sarcasm)

The point of this post isn't houses, but my problem with our culture, obsessed with everything being bigger, better, and more expensive. Especially when the reasoning behind it is to keep up with the Jones' , to show off to the neighbours, or, worst of all, to try and make your loved ones happy by buying them things. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for working hard to be able to treat yourself to things. What i'm against is being judged by others for family being more important than buying a brand new 4 bedroom 3,000 square foot house. If you want to get a four wheeler, a big screen t.v. (we have one), or a hot tub, awesome. As long as spending time with your children is your top priority.

Think back to your childhood. Do you remember if you had granite counter tops? Were you very upset if you didn't? Probably not. Most kids could care less about extravagances. It's our time they want. They've actually done studies to prove it . Kids would much rather their parents spend time with them, than working an extra 15 hours a week so they can afford a house that will look impressive.

Children grow so fast. Soak them up. Smother them with kisses. Spend time with them. They want you.

(Here, Jackson is teaching his bear to read. Have i mentioned that my son is a genius?)

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