Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Letter to My Little Man

To Jackson, 

It's only been 11 months, and i truly feel like you've been in my life forever, but somehow it doesn't seem like a lifetime will hold enough days for me to spend with you. Your ever changing and growing personality and spirit are the most magical things i have ever experienced, and i will cherish every second of every day with you. You are the funniest person i have ever met. You make me laugh all day long. You are also such a sweet little man, always giving your momma big slobbery kisses. I love watching you grow and change, but i hate to see the baby slowly slipping away, and being replaced by a little boy. I promise to do my best to be present in every moment, no distractions. Life can wait when i'm with you.

Love you more than there are stars in the sky,

 Your Momma


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