Jackson at 11 Months
Jackson Graeme is 11 months old.
He is turning more into a little boy with every passing minute, and grows more energetic and silly every day. He is the biggest ham, and LOVES to make people laugh. The only time he isn't smiling is when he's tired.
Recently he's learned to clap, high five, kiss with his mouth closed, get down from the couch, and say uh-oh (he also may say daddy, but it's hard to tell). He will still only take a few steps, and prefers crawling (probably because he can crawl at lightning speed) I can tell we are going to have our hands full once he fully masters climbing and walking, he's such a rough and tumble boy, and an adventurer, afraid of nothing (he will already use smaller toys to climb on top of his bookshelf and the coffee table.)
This age is absolutely amazing, he's such a little sponge, taking everything in, and trying to copy everything he sees others doing. He's also fascinated with other children now (more so with tackling them and touching their face than anything else.)
He almost exclusively feeds himself table food, and has tried all of the "allergenic" foods with no problem (he really liked peanut butter).His favorite foods are; avocado on toast, bananas, squash, sweet potato, and eggs with cheddar.
At 11 months old he weighs 21.5lbs, and is approximately 27.5-28inches tall (it's impossible to measure him). Still a short guy for his age, but built like a linebacker.
It is hard to get a good picture of him now. He never stops. Today he was zooming around in his little car he got for Christmas from his auntie. I can't believe he'll be ONE in a month! ONE! As in a TODDLER!
For the next month you can find me doing nothing but hugging and kissing my little man until he's sick of me. He's so dang cute i can't stand it.
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