I know everyone says it. But seriously, i have the cutest boy ever.
Although the past few days he's the sad, snotty teething baby. I hope he gets a break after these two teeth. Poor guy. He just looks like someone stole his favorite toy and the world is ending. Nothing really makes him happy. Except eating. Man, kid likes his food! Not as much as he used to, but his face still lights up when he gets into his highchair.
We decided to only let him have his sookie (soother) when he's going to sleep. I kinda feel mean doing that while he's teething, but really, he'll be "tething" for quite some time, and i don't want to prolong the sookie weaning. So far he doesn't seem to really care about having access to it during his wake hours. Although, we do let baby sitters give it to him in case of extreme upset, but so far no one's really had to. Fingers crossed that sometime in the next few months we can take it away at bedtime too. We've already stopped putting several sookie's in his bed at night, he only gets one.
Once it gets dark i'm going to take some pics of my Christmas lights, and show you our holiday decor.
Happy Monday y'all!
Yes, I have to agree, he IS pretty darn cute.
His hair looks so fuzzy in these pictures- I bet it's really soft :)
Really really soft indeed!
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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