Guess how old i am dudes! 10 MONTHS!
If i were to speak right now it would be ALL IN CAPS! Because everything i do is LOUD!
I like to crawl around really really really really really fast, while screeching really LOUD! I especially like to do it after my bath when I'm a "free" man! (Momma thinks that's the cutest thing ever)
I have 6 teeth, i weight almost 21lbs, and I'm....a height. i dunno. But it's not very tall.
I like to smack things, and smash things, and tackle the kitty. I live to climb, throw, crash and tumble.
I like to copy everything my Momma and Daddy do.
I like to fake sneeze, blow spit everywhere, and say Babbabbaibaybabaiba. It doesn't mean anything, but Momma thinks I'm trying to say somethin'. Oh that Momma, she's a hoot.
My favorite thing though...it's a tie. It's either hugs, kisses and cuddles with Momma, or climbing all over daddy and pulling his beard.
It's only been 10 months, and I've got these guys wrapped around my little finger. Oh the things i can do with the power of my cuteness! Muwahahaha!
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