Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Do you ever wonder where the time goes. I guess everyone does. Thursday night it seemed i had and endless long weekend ahead of me. Somehow i spent my entire weekend working my butt off around the house, and not finding enough time to relax. Something to work on i guess, trying to find the balance between relaxation, and wanting a spotless house. I always say to myself, "As soon as i finish this, I'll relax for a while" But then i find something else that needs to be cleaned, painted, sewn or fed. Argh! That's partially the price you pay to have a dog, and two cats, they make the house a mess. I supposed when i have kids I'll have to relax a bit, or I'll go crazy.

Enough ranting for one day...

Happy Easter (btw, I've managed to not eat any chocolate this Easter, yay for me!)


Anonymous said...

so wait, you're planning to relax once you have kids!? . . . .Dreamer.

Home4TheHendersons said...

Uhhh..yeah apparently, i am. Don't really know what i was thinking when i wrote that?!?!?


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