Friday, April 10, 2009


I love spring, don't get me wrong, but i hate...ANTS! EEEK! They gross me out. I don't know why...maybe because i opened my cupboard a couple of days ago, to find them making my honey jar their home. Of course i made a loud squealing sound, and immediately called for Mr.H to come and destroy them. Ok, spiders i can handle, but ants! They're so tiny and evil. I really just wanted them all squished and gone. I also thought it would be a good idea to get rid of the honey, right? No, according to Mr.H we had to feed them poison, so they would take it back to their home, and thus kill the queen. So we did, and the second day they came back for more (the poison is a sweet substance that they mistake for food), okay they'll be dead tomorrow right? No. They came back for more. Apparently it takes a few days. I was ready to move. I know it sounds extreme, but i feel like they're crawling all over me! But alas! Smarty pants was right, after 5 days they never came back. I'm glad their queen is dead. Evil bastards.
Tip: The best remedy we've found is the liquid by "Raid". Its a honey consisteny, and they love it. Most importantly, it works. If they don't come dack, you know they're dead.
(I'm usually not so mean and spiteful, i swear! They just really repulse me!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo. Do you think thats the expression the queen made when all her evil minions started keeling over?


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