(My cute man, and his fluffy bum!)
Check our this article on Handmade Adelaide Baby, and their calculations to see if cloth diapers really save money. (I'll ruin the ending, they do.) However, do read to see how they came to his conclusion. Remember if you use them for more than one child, the only expense the second time around is the cost of laundering. Also, the cost they calculated is way more than what i've spent on getting my cloth diaper stash' started, so the calculations are very generous.
Oh, for fun, here's an INSANE article, that claims it costs $25-$60 a month to launder your own cloth diapers. Clearly they must be washing them with fresh spring water flown in for Switerland. I wash mine twice a week, so that is 8 extra loads per month.There is no possible way, 8 loads of laundry cost $25-$60, or we'd all be wearing dirty clothes!
If you have questions about cloth diapering, Ask me!
I'd love to share any info, knowledge and experience i can.
Anyone can do it, it's not intimidating, hard, or gross. (In fact it's simple, easy, and oh so adorable!)
I'd love to share any info, knowledge and experience i can.
Anyone can do it, it's not intimidating, hard, or gross. (In fact it's simple, easy, and oh so adorable!)
They definitely do. It depends on a lot of factors such as which kind/brand you go with, how large your stash is, how often you wash, what kind of washer/dryer you have, etc... but I have yet to meet a CDing mom who HASN'T saved money. It's awesome! :)
I'm off to read the article now. Thanks for sharing!
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