No on can tell you what it's going to be like. Will you have an angel baby that only fusses when he's hungry, or a colicky baby. Will he breastfeed with ease, or will it be a struggle. Will you be a good parent, or have no idea what to do. That you'll feel guilty doing anything for yourself, and scared of making a mistake. The only thing i can tell you is that you'll love this little person that you just met, more than you can imagine. That you would do anything for them from the second they're born. That it's all worth it.

When you first come home with your baby, it is hard to believe that you will have any idea what you are doing. That it does get easier. That you will feel like yourself again. It is all true.
Who woulda thunk that i could figure out how to bathe a baby, cut his itty bitty nails, comfort him when he's screaming like a maniac. I don't know when or how it happened, but one day i woke up, and was officially a mother. I still worry "am i doing this right?" , " am i doing the best i can?". There's not instruction manual. All you can do is love your child, and try.
Being a mother is a natural thing, and you have to go with what you think is best. There can be alot of pressure to do exactly as you're told by the nurses and doctors. I'm sure they know what they are talking about, but only you know what is best for your baby. Don't give them a soother, don't let them sleep more than three hours, don't pick them up the second they cry. Rules that we didn't exactly follow, but we're doing what works for us. All to make this little poo-face happy.

(this is really not a great quality picture, but i caught his first smile on camera!)
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