Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Only 7 More Weeks. Only 7 More Weeks.
This is my mantra. I was so lucky with Jackson. I never had morning sickness, i was never uncomfortable at any point in my pregnancy (yes i had back pain but whatevs). Things are suddenly different this time around. Random nausea starting in the 3rd trimester, is less than awesome. Not being able to get to back to sleep if i am awoken at any point in the night, is sucky (yes, several times a week i am up at 4am). Stomach acid in my mouth while i am laying down, is disgusting. Feeling like a baby is trying to punch her way out, isn't the nicest feeling. But, i have a handsome little man, and a baby girl on the way. So i suck it up, and try not to complain (Really, if someone asks how you are feeling, do they want to hear that your cervix is being used as a trampoline, and you vomited in your mouth a few minutes ago? I think not.). I know there are people that would kill for this. I'll just keep reminding myself, there are only seven more weeks. (Although technically I'll be full term in 4 weeks, I'm not wishing baby out before she is ready)

33 weeks.
This picture is a week old. I'm not getting dressed today, unless i HAVE to. I really should have taken a new picture, my belly has gotten much bigger, and dropped significantly.
Weight gain, 22lbs. Although i feel huge.
Baby girl feels like she is taking up every square inch, her kicks and somersaults have turned into head butts, and random knees and feet pushing out against my side.
I am craving, cake. Cupcakes, chocolate cake. Anything with icing. It's weird, i don't even like cake normally.
I'm turned off by ice cream (except black cherry), and most meat (other than hamburgers).
I'm seeing my midwife every two weeks now, and in another two weeks i will go every week.
We've started gathering everything we need for our home birth. Yep, we are having this baby girl at home. After only 6 hours of labour (including pushing) with Jackson, I'm not taking the chance of having a baby in the car. Will it be the hardest thing i will have to do, likely, but it will be so worth it. The comfort of my own home, a caring midwife who lives mere minutes away, no one but my husband and loving family members present. Priceless.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
My "baby" is 2 today. Do I have to stop calling him a baby now?
Jacksons favorite foods are: faffos (waffles,homemade, he is obsessed with them!) oatmeal, applesauce, chicken, grapes.
I won't list words he is saying now, because he says all of them. Everyday he learns and uses several new ones, even if mommy is the only one that understands them.
Jackson is in a very loving and cuddly stage right now, which we love. Nothing better than a 2 year old giving you squishy kisses and saying "vuv yee!"
I also think he has really caught on that we are going to have a baby soon, he keeps checking the crib and bassinet, and asking where the baby is. So sweet.
This is my favorite age so far, he is smart, interactive, inquisitive and entertaining. There is never a dull moment with a 2 year old in the house. Of course we deal with our share of tantrums, but he makes every second worth it. I can't wait to see him as a big brother, in 8.5 more weeks!
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