Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Vote Vote Vote! (Am I Driving You Crazy Yet?)
Loving the Life You LIve, Living the Life You Love
The life i love right now, is spending my days with my son, and my evenings with my husband. There is nothing in this life i want more. Not only that, but i am truly happy with the place i am in life. I don't need to change anything.
However, i do wish Marcus would TRY and look like a human in the ONE photo i have where we're all clean and dressed. Can you tell how happy Jackson is? I am surprised that we were able to achieve this with a tripod and the timer on our camera. I LOVE the D60!
However, i do wish Marcus would TRY and look like a human in the ONE photo i have where we're all clean and dressed. Can you tell how happy Jackson is? I am surprised that we were able to achieve this with a tripod and the timer on our camera. I LOVE the D60!
Monday, August 30, 2010
If Breastfeeding Offends You, Put A Blanket Over YOUR Head!
I had to share a link to this blog post today at Becoming Sarah. It makes my blood boil when women are made to feel uncomfortable, or worse, made to leave a store or restaurant for breastfeeding. Even in Ontario, where our right to breastfeed is protected by law, this still happens. It is one of those things that makes me sick. Thankfully this has never happened to me, or someone would be getting a punch in the nose (I know i know, violence is never the answer) I think the idea of a nurse-in is fabulous. Peaceful protest is the way to go. Lets see the a*#holes at these places try and make a dozen breastfeeding mothers leave.
If you are opposed to breastfeeding in public, let me ask you, would it be OK for me to ask YOU to go and eat in the bathroom, or cover your self up with a blanket, if i thought what you were eating was gross?
I'd love you hear comments on this subject. If you are opposed, comment still. Maybe there is a valid reason to be opposed...i can't think of one myself.
If you are opposed to breastfeeding in public, let me ask you, would it be OK for me to ask YOU to go and eat in the bathroom, or cover your self up with a blanket, if i thought what you were eating was gross?
I'd love you hear comments on this subject. If you are opposed, comment still. Maybe there is a valid reason to be opposed...i can't think of one myself.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Sucker for Lyrics
I enjoy all types of music. I'll give any genre a chance. I'm a sucker for lyrics. Lyrics that get to me, sink in, that i can feel in my soul. The song could be annoyingly over-catchy, pop junk, but if the lyrics somehow relate to something that's going on in my life, the mood I'm in, or changing the mood I'm in, I'll like it anyway. I have a somewhat photographic memory when it comes to lyrics, they're the one thing i can always remember. I can never remember what i need at the grocery store, people's names or phone numbers, but the words to a Buddy Holly song i haven't heard in 15 years, I'll remember. I always have songs running through my head. Right now the tidbits drifting around in the old noggin are...
"Don't ever look back, don't ever look back..."
"You are the only exception, you are the only exception, and I'm on my way to believing..."
"Learn from these streets,it can be bleak, accept no defeat, surrender retreat..."
These are just the parts that jump out at me. Just a few simple lines can grab your attention, and put things in perspective. Remind you of something that makes you smile, remind you to keep moving, keep fighting, keep living. Sometimes a good song can make the difference in a day, and if it's a hard one, help you get through it.
Take a breather from a busy day, listen to a song that speaks to your soul. Even if it's a guilty pleasure... listen to it in the car, and belt out the words.
What are some of your favourite song lyrics? Or is it a song with no words, and the instruments speak to you?
"Don't ever look back, don't ever look back..."
"You are the only exception, you are the only exception, and I'm on my way to believing..."
"Learn from these streets,it can be bleak, accept no defeat, surrender retreat..."
These are just the parts that jump out at me. Just a few simple lines can grab your attention, and put things in perspective. Remind you of something that makes you smile, remind you to keep moving, keep fighting, keep living. Sometimes a good song can make the difference in a day, and if it's a hard one, help you get through it.
Take a breather from a busy day, listen to a song that speaks to your soul. Even if it's a guilty pleasure... listen to it in the car, and belt out the words.
What are some of your favourite song lyrics? Or is it a song with no words, and the instruments speak to you?
I know it's unrelated, but nothing seems complete without my little man.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Rinsing the Poop Out
Babies and small children excrete many viruses in their feces including Hepatitis A, rota virus, shigella, salmonellosis, amebiasis, live polio virus (from vaccines), and typhoid among others. In order to keep these viruses from contaminating underground water supplies, poop should not be dumped into a diaper pail and thrown out with the trash. Fecal mater is supposed to be emptied into the toilet, so it can be properly processed at waste water facilities. The problem is, most people that use disposable diapers don't know this, or refuse to do it! To that i say WTF!?!?! If you want to use disposables, use them correctly.
Straight from the Pampers website:
"As the Pampers bag recommends, you'll want to dump bowel movements in the toilet. Then just roll the diaper into its back sheet, using the tape or fasteners to keep it closed, and dispose of it in the trash."
Some rebuttals to this are "I chose disposable so i didn't have to deal with poop", or my favorite "That is disgusting, I'm not touching poop!" First of all, no one is asking you to lick the feces off of the diaper, use toilet paper. Second, you chose to have a baby, and they poop.
I don't push cloth diapering on anyone, and I'm happy that i haven't had anyone judge me for choosing cloth. I do however push proper use, and respect for our planet. Would it be OK for hospitals to improperly dispose of their waste?
Happy poop dumping!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Jackson Goes to Byng
This past week was a busy one. Jackson met his Uncle Cody for the first time, as he lives in Alberta. We also spent a bunch of time at a local campground (Byng) Jackson sat on a motorcycle for the first time (and i hope he isn't on one that's moving for another 16 years!) with his Auntie Nomi.
Of course, being the food connoisseur he is, he ate lots of Mum Mum crackers at the pool. They don't allow food, but he's a rebel like that. (And momma loves Mum Mum's, because they keep him occupied for at least 10 minutes!) He's still practicing his crawling skills, always on his hands and knees. We had a breakthrough the past week, he learned to get from his tummy to sitting by himself, and can pull up on low things. I see furniture cruising in his near future!
We have a true water baby. This pool is generally freezing, and is tolerable on a day where it's scorching hot. The days we went it was just "warm" outside. Therefore the freezing pool felt extra freezing (i should add that it is an enormous pool, more of a man made lake, the size doesn't really allow it to warm up too much) It is pretty awesome for little kids, because it is shallow all the way around the edges, and there's an awesome splash pad. For the bigger kids there is an awesome diving board. Not for Jackson for several more years. He had a blast in the splash pad though, especially the tiny fountain that was just his height. Jackson enjoying the freezing pool just goes to show you, that you really have to keep trying new things with a baby. At the beginning of the summer he hated being in water unless it was warm warm warm. You've come a long way little dude, and momma looks forward to many years of you dragging me into freezing cold pools.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Garden
We're getting tons of tomatoes from our garden everyday. We've also been enjoying zucchini from my mom's garden. Once you have a few plants you'll get tons of veggies all summer long. Which can be great, because sometimes you get so many that you have abundance of gifts to give to friends. Why not start a co-op with people you know? Each plant your own garden, with different veggies, and when the fruits of your labour start a growin', trade with your friends for lots of delish, healthy (and almost free) food. We made a delish pasta with said tomatoes from our garden, little man loves to eat them too. There isn't much cuter than a baby squishing tomatoes between his fingers. (Sorry, i didn't get a picture)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Feeding Oneself
These days the Jax man is improving his dexterity by leaps and bounds. He can grab anything that's not too squishy, but just squishy enough that he can gum it. I don't know that there is any set age that you should let a baby feed them self, i know some babies Jacksons age show no interest in food. So far he can pick up and eat, Nutrios (i prefer them over Cheerios, because they have no added sugar or salt), chopped up tomato, squished blueberries, cooked and chopped sweet potato, cooked and chopped green beans, bits of cooked meat, bits of french toast and pancakes (not on a regular basis), cooked egg yolk, and of course baby Mum Mums. These are all the foods we've let him feed himself so far. Of course you have to be very careful, and pay close attention while they are feeding them selves. We only give him a few pieces of food on his high chair tray at a time, because he is inclined to grab fistfuls and shove them in his mouth. If he's too hungry, he has no interest in anything but mommy or daddy feeding him, so the food gets in his belly at an expedient rate. What can i say, my little man likes to eat! In the pics, he was trying to eat bananas, they are way to squishy, and he pulverizes them in his iron fist!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
How to: Strip Cloth Diapers
If you're a cloth diapering momma, or are thinking about becoming one, knowing how to strip diapers is an important part. You need to strip your diapers if you have build up that causes your diapers to work less efficiently.
What causes build up?
-Not rinsing your diapers well enough, causing soap build up
-The type of detergent you use , it may have added perfumes or dyes that don't rinse out
-Using too much or too little detergent, in general you use much less than you would to wash clothing
-Using fabric softener (never use fabric softener!)
-Using diapers made of synthetic fibres. Natural fibres are less likely to develop residue problems.
-Not using enough water to rinse your diapers. When i wash, i set the washing machine to the largest load size. If you have an HE machine, you can try adding a wet towel to the load to trick the machine to adding more water.
How do you know if your diapers need to be stripped?
-repelling liquid
How do you fix it?
-Try doing several hot water washes. If your diapers are rinsed properly, there should be no suds in the final rinse cycle.
-Add a squirt of blue dawn dish soap, do a hot wash and several rinses until there are no more bubbles. Dawn is a degreaser, so it can help remove oily residue.
-Add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash cycle to neutralize the odours.
-Try RLR. It removes mineral deposits and detergent build up in fabrics.
I've only had to strip my diapers once in 4.5 months of use. I hope these tips make it easier for you if you ever need to do it.
What causes build up?
-Not rinsing your diapers well enough, causing soap build up
-The type of detergent you use , it may have added perfumes or dyes that don't rinse out
-Using too much or too little detergent, in general you use much less than you would to wash clothing
-Using fabric softener (never use fabric softener!)
-Using diapers made of synthetic fibres. Natural fibres are less likely to develop residue problems.
-Not using enough water to rinse your diapers. When i wash, i set the washing machine to the largest load size. If you have an HE machine, you can try adding a wet towel to the load to trick the machine to adding more water.
How do you know if your diapers need to be stripped?
-repelling liquid
How do you fix it?
-Try doing several hot water washes. If your diapers are rinsed properly, there should be no suds in the final rinse cycle.
-Add a squirt of blue dawn dish soap, do a hot wash and several rinses until there are no more bubbles. Dawn is a degreaser, so it can help remove oily residue.
-Add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash cycle to neutralize the odours.
-Try RLR. It removes mineral deposits and detergent build up in fabrics.
I've only had to strip my diapers once in 4.5 months of use. I hope these tips make it easier for you if you ever need to do it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
6 Months Already, and I'm Not Ready
This little ham is 6 months old. He's not so little anymore. Looking at him now, i already can't remember how small he was, until i look back at pictures. He's turning into a big man so fast, and I'm not ready. I was calling daycares and babysitters today, to plan for January. Really. Already. Oh I'm not ready. I want him to grow, learn, explore, and become what he is made to be, but i don't. When he's in my arms, he leans away, because a toy is more interesting. When i give him a thousand kisses on the neck...i only get a smile sometimes, the other times, i get a chubby little hand pushing mama away. I'm so not ready. He's crawling faster everyday, standing at the ottoman, reaching for the couch, just itching to "cruise". Babbling, screeching, yelling and throwing. He's turning into a little boy. Boy oh boy, i'm not ready. I really get it now, appreciate the baby days, they're gone so fast. Everyday i try to get in extra long hugs, cuddles, and snuggly time nursing. Slow down, my sweet little man. I'm ready for you to stay my tiny newborn baby a while longer (give or take a few years).
*Disclaimer- Taking pictures of a sleeping baby is risky business!*
Guest Post: Baby Sign Language
Ten Things You Need To Know About Baby Sign Language
Baby sign language is fun, it’s free – and it works! Read on for the top ten things you absolutely must know about baby sign language...
1: Signing to your baby helps with bonding
Baby signing is a two-way activity, encouraging communication from baby to parent and back again. Mothers who sign with their babies often feel closer to them, noticing and appreciating their efforts at communication earlier than non-signing moms.
2: Children who learn to sign as babies often learn to speak earlier
Baby signing can act as a ‘stepping stone’ to full speech, supporting a young child’s efforts to express themselves. Research has shown that babies who have early exposure to signing often have bigger speaking vocabularies later on.
3: It’s easy!
You can start signing with your baby by learning a handful of signs, such as Mommy, Daddy, Milk and Diaper. Find more useful starter signs here.
Often dads feel left out when bringing up a young baby, especially if Mom is breastfeeding. Signing is something baby and daddy can do together, creating a special bond.
5. You can start to sign from birth
The sooner you start signing to your baby, the sooner he will begin to communicate his needs back to you. You can start at any time, even from birth.
6. Signing is fun!
So many things these days are just plain hard work! Baby signing is fun – and that’s one of the reasons it works so well. At first your baby will just look at you making signs and may even smile or laugh. You may feel silly too. This is good for you and for baby. Parenthood should have as many light moments as possible.
7. Flash cards really work
Baby sign language flash cards are a valuable teaching aid to help you develop the signing vocabulary of your baby. Flash cards work because they are a visual stimulus for you and baby, and create extra interest in the idea or object you are signing.
8. Signing reduces tantrums
Baby signing has been proved to reduce frustration (for babies and for parents), and help children through those toddler-tantrum years. Most tantrums are caused by communication frustration, and if your child can express what he wants he is happier and calmer – and so are you!
9. Your friends will be envious
When you and baby are out for coffee, imagine how envious your friends will be when baby tells you she’s tired, or hungry, or too hot – just by making hand gestures? Amazing! While other moms struggle through the baby years, you and your baby will be communicating happily with each other. Be sure to share your knowledge with them!
10. It helps with post-partum depression
The bonding aspects of baby signing cannot be underestimated. But post-partum depression can begin at any time, even during the second year. Many early-years programs teach baby sign language to moms and babies to help build communication and trust.
This guest post is brought to you by Baby Sign Language. This free resources is here to help you and your baby start signing . Be sure to check the flash cards, tips, and first signs to learn.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The 6 Month Doctors Appointment...Eeeek!
Jackson had his 6 month doctors appointment yesterday. I don't really dread them. I know he is going to get a needle, and he's not going to like it, but there's no use getting worked up about it before it happens.
I'm really impressed with the staff at my doctors office, they spend so much time with us at each appointment. This appointment ended up being almost an hour. I know many doctors will just measure and weigh the baby, give him a quick once over, needles, ask if you have any questions, and send you on your way.
Our nurse went over every aspect of development, child safety, childproofing, nutrition, play, bonding and a myriad of other subjects. I did already know almost everything she discussed, but it is really nice to see some doctors/nurses really taking the time to make sure parents know these things. Then he had the standard length measurement, head circumference and weight measurement, done by the nurse (who co-incidentally went to the same high school as my husband and i even though our doctors office is in another city) The doctor then came in, and went over nutrition, growth and development, gave Jackson a thorough inspection, and discussed the vaccine he would be given. (Check this out for more information on vaccines)
Then came needle time. I think he knew it was coming. The needles were done by two nurses at the same time, in order to upset Jax as little as possible, i don't know if it helped. He was awfully upset for a few minutes, nothing a quick nursing didn't fix. I'm really not looking forward to the 1 year needles. I feel as he gets older he will not only understand what is happening more, but he'll be upset longer, and he'll remember it longer. Not to mention that I hope to wean him from breastfeeding by 1 year (starting slowly around 11 months i think?) so comforting him in that way will be gone.
I can't believe it. It seems like he was just born, and I'm already thinking about 1 year needles, weaning, and daycare. (Ugh. That is a post for another day.)
Have a fantastic weekend. I'll be chasing my crawling monkey!
I'm really impressed with the staff at my doctors office, they spend so much time with us at each appointment. This appointment ended up being almost an hour. I know many doctors will just measure and weigh the baby, give him a quick once over, needles, ask if you have any questions, and send you on your way.
Our nurse went over every aspect of development, child safety, childproofing, nutrition, play, bonding and a myriad of other subjects. I did already know almost everything she discussed, but it is really nice to see some doctors/nurses really taking the time to make sure parents know these things. Then he had the standard length measurement, head circumference and weight measurement, done by the nurse (who co-incidentally went to the same high school as my husband and i even though our doctors office is in another city) The doctor then came in, and went over nutrition, growth and development, gave Jackson a thorough inspection, and discussed the vaccine he would be given. (Check this out for more information on vaccines)
Then came needle time. I think he knew it was coming. The needles were done by two nurses at the same time, in order to upset Jax as little as possible, i don't know if it helped. He was awfully upset for a few minutes, nothing a quick nursing didn't fix. I'm really not looking forward to the 1 year needles. I feel as he gets older he will not only understand what is happening more, but he'll be upset longer, and he'll remember it longer. Not to mention that I hope to wean him from breastfeeding by 1 year (starting slowly around 11 months i think?) so comforting him in that way will be gone.
I can't believe it. It seems like he was just born, and I'm already thinking about 1 year needles, weaning, and daycare. (Ugh. That is a post for another day.)
Have a fantastic weekend. I'll be chasing my crawling monkey!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Canal Days
We had another fabulous weekend, filled with friends, family and fun. This is what summer is all about.
I'm not too sure about the pulled pork parfait though....yikes.
My little man was absolutely AMAZED by the tall ships at the Canal Days Festival. I love taking him to festivals, they're a really inexpensive way to spend a day, other than buying food, they're usually free, and there's always some form of entertainment. Even if it's just experiencing everything anew, through the eyes of a child.
Find a festival near you, and take your children out to experience something new. If you are in the Hamilton, Ontario area, the Festival of Friends is this coming weekend. I've been before and it is fun for the whole family.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The BEST Smelling Conditioner
Dove Go Fresh Energize
Officially the best smelling hair product ever. I want to have 1,000 showers with it. Love Love Love it! I spent the whole night trying to figure out what smelled so good, turns out it was my hair. I don't really find that one conditioner works better than another, but the smell makes this one my top pick.
*This is a picture of the shampoo, i couldn't find one of the conditioner, but they look the same.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Cleaning The Natural Way
When i had a baby i knew i wanted to cut down the chemicals used in our home as much as possible, what i didn't realize was how easy it would be!
Some of the things i use (that can be found in your home) :
Castile soap. This is a soap usually made of olive oil, but can also contain coconut, hemp and avocado oils. It is 100% natural and gentle, with no foaming additives, which damage waterways. We add this to our all purpose cleaner, it is an excellent grease cutter.
Essential oils. Lavender, tea tree and lemon. Tea tree and lavender essential oils are natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents. Lemon essential oil is a natural antiseptic and astringent, killing many types of bacteria. We use essential oils in almost all applications.
Some of the things i use (that can be found in your home) :
White vinegar. It is mildly acidic and disinfecting. It removes calcium deposits and is a potent grease and stain remover. It can be used to clean almost anything. We use this in the bathroom; to clean the sink, toilet and bathtub. In the kitchen; to clean the sink, stove top, counter top, appliances and floors.Once dry the vinegar smell disappears.
Baking soda can be used in place of commercial abrasive cleaners. It is also a fantastic deodorizer. We use this to scrub hard to clean surfaces.
Castile soap. This is a soap usually made of olive oil, but can also contain coconut, hemp and avocado oils. It is 100% natural and gentle, with no foaming additives, which damage waterways. We add this to our all purpose cleaner, it is an excellent grease cutter.
Essential oils. Lavender, tea tree and lemon. Tea tree and lavender essential oils are natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents. Lemon essential oil is a natural antiseptic and astringent, killing many types of bacteria. We use essential oils in almost all applications.
I can honestly say that all natural cleaners do as good of a job as chemicals. The added bonus, i never have to worry that my son will accidentally ingest something that is dangerous (as far as cleaning products go) They are also A LOT cheaper!
All purpose cleaner:
1 part vinegar
3 parts water.
Scent the mixture with a couple of drops of essential oils. (Tea tree oil is a great disinfectant.)
Tub and Tile Cleaner:
Combine 2 cups of baking soda with enough water to make a smooth thick paste. Apply the paste to the tub or tile and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with a soft rag moving in a circular motion. Once the paste is off spray the tub or tile with a 50/50-vinegar/water rinse. The rinse will remove any residue and disinfect the area as well.
I hope this may help other to switch to all natural cleaners, it is a great way to be "green"
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